

TikTok for Business offers many tools that let you share the actions people take on your website with TikTok. When you share these events with TikTok, you can better optimize your campaigns and measure ad performance.

TikTok’s Events API is a secure server-to-server integration that allows advertisers to share the actions customers take on their websites directly with TikTok, without needing to install a pixel on your website.


Access Token: When setting up a connection to TikTok, you will need your Access Token. To find your Access Token, go to the Events Manager view on your TikTok dashboard.

Event Source ID: When setting up a connection to TikTok, you will need your Event Source ID, which can be either a Pixel ID or an Offline Event Set ID. To find your Event Source ID, go to the Events Manager view on your TikTok dashboard.

Supported Inputs

  • Web
  • Data Feeds

Supported Identifiers

In outgoing TikTok event payloads, 3 primary identifiers are supported:

  • Email
  • External ID
  • Phone Number

For each, a drop-down setting is exposed allowing customers to choose which mParticle identity type should be mapped to that value. All outgoing identity information is SHA-256 hashed as per TikTok’s documentation. See Connection Settings for more information.

NOTE: Anonymous events (with none of the above identifiers) are supported, but it’s highly recommended to send as many identifiers as possible to ensure optimal match rates.

Supported Events

Standard Event Info

The following event information will be included for all outgoing events, regardless of type.

mParticle Field TikTok Event Field Description
event.name event Conversion event name. Set depending on the incoming event type.
event.source_message_id event_id The default ID used for the dedupliation of events in TikTok. If unavailable, we fallback on event_id
event.timestamp_unixtime_ms timestamp The original event timestamp. This must be in millisecond resolution (ex.1455236520490)
ip context.ip Non-hashed public IP address of the browser. Both ip and user_agent are required for TikTok processing, and aid in increasing the probability of matching website visitor events with TikTok ads.
event.device_info.http_header_user_agent context.user_agent Non-hashed user agent from the user’s device. Both ip and user_agent are required for TikTok processing, and aid in increasing the probability of matching website visitor events with TikTok ads.

Additional Web Fields

The following additional user information will be included for Web connections when the Enable Web Migration setting is enabled, and for Feed connections when the Event Source Type is Web.

mParticle Field TikTok Event Field Description
userAttributes.$FirstName user.FirstName First name of the user, normalized and hashed
userAttributes.$LastName user.LastName Last name of the user, normalized and hashed
userAttributes.$City user.City City of the user, normalized
userAttributes.$State user.State State of the user, normalized
userAttributes.$Country user.Country Country of the user, normalized
userAttributes.$Zip user.ZipCode Zip code of the user, normalized and hashed

Custom Flags

Custom Flags must be specified on each valid incoming event to support specific fields within each outgoing TikTok event’s context property.

mParticle Custom Flag TikTok Event Field Is Required Description Example
TikTok.URL context.page.url True Page url when event happened. Must start with ‘http://’ or ’https://’, otherwise the event will fail TikTok processing http://demo.mywebsite.com/purchase
TikTok.Referrer context.page.referrer False Page referrer. http://demo.mywebsite.com
TikTok.Callback context.ad.callback False TikTok Click ID (ttclid). This represent a tracking parameter appended to a landing page URL whenever a user clicks on an ad on TikTok. Correctly formatted strings should start with “E.C.P”. Don’t send TikTok dummy values. “E.C.P.v3fQ2RHacdksKfofPmlyuStIIHJ4Af1tKYxF9zz2c2PLx1Oaw15oHpcfl5AH”

mParticle includes these values in outgoing events to TikTok.

Event Mappings for Native mParticle Event Types

The only native mParticle event type that’s supported by this integration is CommerceEvent. mParticle supports the following event mappings:

mParticle Event TikTok Event
Commerce Event with add_to_cart product action. AddToCart
Commerce Event with add_to_wishlist product action. AddToWishlist
Commerce Event with purchase product action. Refunds are not natively supported by TikTok. PlaceAnOrder
Commerce Event with checkout product action. InitiateCheckout
Commerce Event with view_detail product action. ViewContent

Other CommerceEvent types remain unsupported. mParticle supports the following commerce and product information mappings:

mParticle Field TikTok Event Field Description
event.product_action.currency properties.currency ISO 4217 code. Example: “USD”.
event.product_action.total_amount properties.value Value of the order or items sold. Example: 100. Note: Price is the price for a single item, and value is the total price of the order.
event.product_action.products[x].price properties.contents[x].price The price of the item. Example: 25. Note: Price is the price for a single item, and value is the total price of the order.
event.product_action.products[x].quantity properties.contents[x].quantity Number of item. Example: 4
event.product_action.products[x].id properties.contents[x].content_id ID of the product item. Example: “1077218”
event.product_action.products[x].category properties.contents[x].content_category Category of the page/product. Example: “apparel”
event.product_action.products[x].name properties.contents[x].content_name Category of the page/product. Example: “apparel”

Custom Event Mappings

In order to support TikTok event types that don’t map one-to-one with mParticle events, we allow customers to manually configure Custom Mappings for a particular connection within our UI. This feature allows incoming mParticle events to be mapped to known TikTok event types, including with specific attributes and outgoing parameters.

All TikTok event mappings support the description property.

In addition, the following additional properties are supported for each respective event:

  • AddPaymentInfo: price, quantity, currency, value, content_id, content_name, content_category
  • AddToCart: price, quantity, currency, value, content_id, content_name, content_category
  • AddToWishlist: price, quantity, currency, value, content_id, content_name, content_category
  • ClickButton
  • CompletePayment: price, quantity, currency, value, content_id, content_name, content_category
  • Contact
  • Download
  • InitiateCheckout: price, quantity, currency, value, content_id, content_name, content_category
  • PlaceAnOrder: price, quantity, currency, value, content_id, content_name, content_category
  • Search: query
  • Subscribe: currency, value
  • ViewContent: price, quantity, currency, value, content_id, content_name, content_category


Configuration Settings

Setting Name Data Type Is Required Is Encrypted Description
Access Token string True True Provides access to TikTok’s Events API. You can create an access token in the TikTok Events Manger.

Connection Settings

Setting Name Platform Data Type Default Is Required Description
Event Source Type Feed Web, Feed, or Legacy Pixel Batch Web Legacy Pixel Batch Web True The Event Source type corresponding with the Event Source ID of your TikTok dataset.
Event Source ID All string null True The Event Source ID of your dataset, either a Pixel ID or an Offline Event Set ID.
Email Identity Type All string Email True The Identity Type to forward as the email to TikTok.
Enable Web Migration Web boolean False False Forward Track Events instead of Legacy Pixel Batch events.
External Identity Type All string Customer ID True The Identity Type to forward as the external ID to TikTok.
Phone Identity Type All string Mobile Number True The Identity Type to forward as the phone number to TikTok.
Content Type All string product True The content_type property can be set to either ‘product’ or ‘product_group’, depending on how your data feed and product catalog are configured on TikTok’s end.

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