
Snap is a camera company whose flagship application Snapchat, the Spectacles product, and a variety of publisher tools provide brands a unique platform to reach targeted audience segments with engaging and personalized content.


In order to enable the mParticle integration with Snapchat you will need the account credentials for a Snapchat account. The integration activation process will prompt you to log into your Snapchat account, and once logged in, mParticle will automatically retrieve the credentials that it needs to forward audience data to Snapchat. If you intend to use the optional Value Based Audience feature, you will need to request Snap to enable the feature for your ad account and ensure they complete such request before you create a Value Based Audience connection in mParticle.

Activate Snapchat

  1. Select Directory, and click the Snapchat tile.
  2. Click Add Snapchat to Setup.
  3. Select the Output Audience Integration Type and click Add to Setup.
  4. Select the Snapchat output configuration group and click Configure.
  5. Click Login to Snapchat - A pop-up window will appear allowing you to enter your account credentials to access your Snapchat account.

Snapchat Login

  1. Enter a Configuration Name.
  2. Select your Account Credentials and click Save.
  3. Click Accept to authorize mParticle to access your Snapchat account.

Snapchat Authorize

  1. You can now connect your audiences to Snapchat.

Data Processing Notes

  • Minimum - An audience is selectable for targeting in Snapchat as long as it has a minimum of 1000 users.
  • Snapchat has a limit of 1000 custom audiences per ad account.

User Identity Mapping

When forwarding audience data to Snapchat, mParticle will send SHA-256 hash of the following identities based on the values of the Connection Settings:

  • Emails
  • Device IDs (IDFA or Google Advertising ID)
  • Phone Numbers (Mobile Telephone Number, Phone Number 2, Phone Number 3, and $mobile reserved user attribute)

Upload Frequency

The Snapchat Audience Integration uses Bulk Forwarding. Bulk Forwarding means that, instead of uploading updates to an audience in real time, mParticle compiles updates into a queue until either a given amount of time has passed since the last upload, or until a certain number of updates are waiting to be sent.

By default, mParticle uploads to Snapchat whenever at least one of the following conditions is met:

  • 3 hours have passed since the last update.
  • At least 500000 messages are in the queue.

Upload frequency can sometimes be adjusted. Reach out to your mParticle Customer Success Manager if you need to discuss upload frequency.

Deleting an Audience

When you delete a connection or audience, the downstream segment in Snap will be deleted.

Value-based audiences

You can use the mParticle audience integration to create value-based audiences with Snap. As a prerequisite, Snap must enable value-based audience support for your ad account.

By default, mParticle will forward all users in a value-based audience to Snap even if their user attribute representing value is missing or negative. You can exclude users with negative, missing, and zero values by unchecking the Allow Zero And Negative Values connection setting when creating your value-based audience.

Connection Settings

Setting Name Data Type Default Value Description
Forward Emails bool True If enabled, and the user’s e-mail address is available, the SHA-256 hash of that e-mail address will be added to the audience ”<Audience Name> (Email)”
Forward Device IDs bool True If enabled, mParticle will forward the SHA-256 hash of that users’ device IDs (IDFA for Apple OS or Google Advertising ID) to the audience ”<Audience Name> (Device Id)“.
Forward Phone Numbers bool False If enabled, and any of the user’s phone numbers are available, the SHA-256 hash of those phone numbers will be added to the audience ”<Audience Name> (Phone)”
Is Value Based Audience bool False If enabled, the audience created in Snapchat will be value-based. This can not be changed after the audience has been created.
User Attribute Representing Value User Attribute Unselected The user attribute to be used as the basis for setting a value in Snapchat. Only positive numbers will be forwarded to Snapchat, unless Allow Zero Values is checked. This setting only applies to value-based audiences.
Allow Zero And Negative Values bool True If disabled, only user data with positive values will be forwarded to Snapchat. This setting only applies to value-based audiences.
Currency Currency Code USD The currency code to be associated with the customer value. This setting only applies to value-based audiences and can not be changed after the audience has been created.

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