

Intercom is one place for every team in an internet business to communicate with customers, personally, at scale—on your website, inside web and mobile apps, and by email.

Supported Features

  • User Identity
  • User Attributes
  • Event Tracking


In order to enable mParticle’s integration with Intercom, you will need an account with Intercom to get the App ID and Access Token for mParticle configuration. Your App ID is required for all platforms. The Access Token is required for all platforms except Web.

Click here for instructions on how to create your Intercom credentials. Your App ID is available on your Intercom workspace settings page. The Access Token is available on the Intercom Developer Hub page under the Authentication tab.

The Intercom integration requires the mParticle Intercom Kit when connected to a web input. If you are initializing the web SDK using the Snippet Option then the Kit is automatically included for you. If you are Self Hosting the SDK then you need to add this kit manually into your source code.

User Identities

To be able to forward event data to Intercom, you need to have at least one of the following user identifiers:

  • Customer ID
  • Email

Event data without at least one of these identifiers will not be forwarded.

Support Event Types

  • Custom Events
  • Commerce Events (S2S only)
  • Session End Events

Data Processing Notes

Intercom has limits around the number of characters and number of attributes as noted below:

Configuration Settings

Setting Name Data Type Default Value Description
App ID string Your App ID is available on the API Keys page on Intercom, accessible from your Integration settings.

Connection Settings

Setting Name Data Type Default Value Platform Description
Widget ID string #IntercomDefaultWidget Web Enter a Widget ID or class to customize the display of the Intercom Messenger or leave the default value.
Access Token string All but Web Your Access Token is available on the Developer Hub page on Intercom

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