
Google Marketing Platform Offline Conversions


Google Marketing Platform Offline Conversions helps marketers plan, buy, measure and optimize digital media and customer experiences in one place.

This integration utilizes Google’s Campaign Manager 360 API.

Supported Features

  • Attribution


mParticle’s Google Marketing Platform Offline Conversions integration maps mParticle events to Floodlight activities. Event and user attributes can also be mapped to Floodlight Custom Variables.


In order to enable mParticle’s integration with Google Marketing Platform, you will need to have the following in Google:

  • A campaign manager account
  • API access enabled on your campaign manager account
  • A user profile with access to the account
  • User profile permissions with access to your resources

See Google’s docs here for more information.

Data Processing


Events will be forwarded to Google Marketing Platform Offline Conversions if all the following are true:

  • The event timestamp is within the last 28 days
  • The event has at least one valid identifier. Supported IDs are IDFA, Google Advertising ID (GAID), and Google Click ID. See user data mapping for information on how to set Google Click ID.
  • The event is mapped in mParticle to a Floodlight activity. See event mapping for more information.

User Data Mapping

These fields are set for events of all supported types.

Google Field mParticle Field Description
Mobile Device ID IDFA or Google Advertising ID (GAID) Set to GAID if provided. Else, set to IDFA if provided.
Google Click ID Google.ClickId Custom Flag See more information on custom flags here.
Treat for Underage Variable Mapping setting This can be set to a user attribute or event attribute based on the Variable Mapping setting. See variable mapping for more information.
Child Directed Treatment Variable Mapping setting This can be set to a user attribute or event attribute based on the Variable Mapping setting. See variable mapping for more information.
Limit Ad Tracking Variable Mapping setting This can be set to a user attribute or event attribute based on the Variable Mapping setting. See variable mapping for more information.
Non-Personalized Ad Variable Mapping setting This can be set to a user attribute or event attribute based on the Variable Mapping setting. See variable mapping for more information.

Commerce Data Mapping

Commerce events contain all the user data fields described in user data mapping as well as the fields below. Note, commerce fields can be set via variable mapping for events of all type.

Google Field mParticle Field Description
Value Variable Mapping setting or the total_amount field This can be set to a user attribute or event attribute based on the Variable Mapping setting. See variable mapping for more information. If no mapping is configured, this will be set to the total_amount field. See here for more information.
Quantity Variable Mapping setting or the quantity field This can be set to a user attribute or event attribute based on the Variable Mapping setting. See variable mapping for more information. If no mapping is configured, this will be set to the sum of the quantity fields for all products on the event. See here for more information about the field. If none of the above are set, this will be set to 1.

Variable Mapping

Many fields can be set via the Variable Mapping setting. This setting allows you to map a user attribute or event attribute to a variety of fields. See user data mapping and commerce data mapping for info about specific fields that can be set in Google.

mParticle will also map attributes to Floodlight custom variables.

Some important notes:

  • Multiple attributes cannot be mapped to a single Google variable.
  • Attributes will only be mapped if they have a value set for them.

Event Mapping

mParticle events are mapped to Floodlight activities via the Event Mapping setting. This setting allows you to specify an event and provide a Floodlight activity ID for that event.

Some important notes:

  • mParticle events can only be mapped to a single activity ID.
  • At least one mapping is required to create a connection.
  • Only mapped events will be forwarded to Google Marketing Platform.

Note: To adhere to the EU user consent policy, starting March 2024, Google is enforcing the consent field to be populated for EU users. You can read the announcement from Google here.

Google Ads has several notions of user-provided consent, only one of which applies to Google Marketing Platform: ad_user_data. This represents consent for ad user data.

To configure user consent forwarding under this value, a mapping should be set-up leveraging mParticle’s notion of ConsentPurposes. To learn more about handling user consent within mParticle’s platform, see the following docs: Data Privacy Controls.

Once a ConsentPurpose is set up, user consent information can be associated with it in subsequent EventBatches. The ConsentPurpose data mapping can then be configured for downstream forwarding via the User Consent Data Mapping connection setting.

In the absence of a user-defined consent value for the ad_user_data field via the ConsentPurpose mapping, a default value can be optionally configured via a separate drop-down setting.When no user consent is provided, the default status is used as specified by the default dropdown setting.

Configuration Settings

Setting Name Data Type Default Value Description
Profile ID Integer The ID associated with the user profile for this account.

Connection Settings

Setting Name Data Type Default Value Platform Description
Floodlight Configuration ID Integer All The Floodlight Configuration’s ID.
Variable Mapping Custom Field All Allows you to map your mParticle event attributes and user attributes to the corresponding variables setup in Floodlight. See variable mapping.
Event Mapping Custom Field All Allows you to map your mParticle events to the corresponding activity ids in Floodlight. See event mapping.
User Data Consent Mapping mapping null All A mapping of mParticle consents to Google ads_user_data consent.
Default Ad User Data Consent string Unspecified All The default consent value to forward for the Ad User Data field.

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