

Adobe Target is the Adobe Experience Cloud solution for personalizing, testing, and optimizing customer experiences across web, mobile sites, apps, social media, and other digital channels to help maximize revenue. This integration syncs profiles with Adobe Target using Adobe Target Bulk Profile Update API and does not manage audience operations with it. For information about managing Adobe Target audiences, refer to the Adobe Target Audiences documentation.


Before setting up the mParticle Adobe Target audiences integration, you will need to find your Adobe Target client code which can be retrieved from the Adobe Target UI. To find your Adobe Target client code:

  1. Log into your Adobe Experience Cloud account, and navigate to Adobe Target.
  2. In Adobe Target, click Administration in the top nav bar, then select Implementation from the left hand menu.
  3. Your client code is listed in the Account Details section.

User identity mapping

When forwarding audience data to Adobe Target, mParticle sends the identity you select from the Third Party Identity Type dropdown when configuring your Adobe Target connection. If the given user doesn’t have a corresponding identity, their membership won’t be forwarded.

Following are the user identities and device identities that can be selected from the Third Party Identity Type dropdown:

  • mParticle ID
  • IDFA
  • IDFV
  • Customer ID
  • Email
  • GAID
  • Fire Advertising Id
  • Microsoft Advertising Id
  • Microsoft Publisher Id
  • Roku Advertising Id
  • Roku Publisher Id
  • Mobile Number
  • Phone Number 2
  • Phone Number 3
  • Other ID
  • Other ID 2
  • Other ID 3
  • Other ID 4
  • Other ID 5
  • Other ID 6
  • Other ID 7
  • Other ID 8
  • Other ID 9
  • Other ID 10

User attribute forwarding

When forwarding audience data to Adobe Target, mParticle forwards the user attributes you select from the User Attribute Forwarding settings when creating or updating your Adobe Target audience connection. If the given user doesn’t have any corresponding user attributes, their membership won’t be forwarded.

Note: when you create an audience in Adobe Target, forwarded user attributes are accessible within the Visitor Profile section as attributes.

Upload frequency

The Adobe Target Audience Integration uses bulk forwarding. Bulk forwarding means that, instead of uploading updates in real time, mParticle compiles updates into a queue until either a given amount of time has passed since the last upload, or until a certain number of updates are waiting to be sent.

By default, mParticle forwards data to Adobe Target whenever at least one of the following conditions is met:

  • 30 minutes has passed since the last upload
  • The pending upload size has reached 45 MB
  • The pending upload includes 450,000 messages

Configuration settings

Setting name Data type Default value Description
Client Code string Your Adobe Target client code.
Send External Audience Name bool True If enabled, mParticle forwards the external audience name as a user attribute to Adobe Target.

Connection settings

Setting name Data type Default value Description
Third Party Identity Type string mParticle ID Indicates the user identity that mParticle forwards to Adobe Target for each profile included in outgoing data.

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