Network Security Configuration

Android’s Network Security Configuration feature lets developers define security policies for specific domains, including trust anchors, certificate pinning, and cleartext traffic settings, using a declarative XML file. It allows developers to specify the sources from which an Android App is allowed to load resources and send data to. This article is intended for developers working on Android apps that enforce strict Network Security Configuration settings and integrate with mParticle.

The mParticle Android SDK makes requests to the following domains:


If your company has strict Network Security Configurations, you can add the following to ensure all subdomains that mParticle communicates with are whitelisted.

    <domain-config cleartextTrafficPermitted="false">
        <domain includeSubdomains="true"></domain>

October 1st, 2024 - Update to subdomains

See here for a detailed FAQ for this update, as well as a detailed walk-through for each platform.

mParticle stores and processes data in various pods (US1, US2, EU1, AU1, etc.). Currently, all requests are sent to the above generic subdomains, which are managed by our CDN provider, Fastly. As an example, a request sent to will then be rerouted by Fastly to the specific pod such as, which adds an extra step before reaching our servers. Our aim is to enhance the real-time performance of our platform by removing the extra step.

What’s Changing?

Starting October 1st, 2024, all requests will be sent directly to pod endpoints, bypassing Fastly. You should make the above update to your network-security-config only if you have strict Network Security Configuration rules, and DO NOT use a CNAME in your mParticle SDK configuration. Below are the new endpoint details.

Previous Endpoint Subdomain New Endpoint Subdomain Starting October 1st, 2024 https://nativesdks.[pod] https://identity.[pod] This subdomain is used to fetch the SDK or configuration and will not change

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